Massachusetts arborists Association

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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. 
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."  – Margaret Mead 

Join the Arbor Day Group Celebration at Millborn Farm 

This year’s biennial Arbor Day of Service will take place at Millborn Farm, a stunning historic farmland on the Sherborn/Millis town line, recently saved from development through a major community-driven effort led by The Trustees. MAA volunteers can contribute to this preservation effort, helping prepare the space for public access in 2026!


We want to know about it!


Need ideas? Check out the list of sites in need:

Mass Audubon Lincoln - removal of large dead silver maple and  surrounding firs that have been delimbed by wind. They are right next to a parking lot over hanging with big potential for some expensive damage.  Contact Nick Malo at 978-303-7621.

Mass Audubon Wellfleet - Remove standing dead pines at the end of driveway that threaten to fall onto the public road.  Contact James Nielsen. 

Mass Audubon Dartmouth - looking for help pruning (with the goal of improving the health and the longevity) some of the various specimen trees located on the property. Some tree species include but are not limited to Ginkgo, Chinese Chestnut, Weeping European Beech, Linden Tree. There are a variety of trees and other projects around the property and would be happy to adjust our project based on the arborists insight/recommendations as well.  Contact Allyson Lague 508-496-3398

Mass Audubon Westport - along the roadside of the property, there is a long row of Catalpa trees in need of restorative pruning.   Contact Allyson Lague 508-496-3398.

Massachusetts Horticultural Society (Elm Bank), Wellesley large scale clearance of 100 hemlocks originally planted as a hedge along garden boundary at approx. 2-3 ft spacing, and now a danger requiring closure of that part of the Garden.  Work would suit larger mechanized clearance firms who might not have traditionally had an easy way to participate in ADOS. High impact, high profile and urgent!  Contact James Hearsum.

Massachusetts Horticultural Society (Elm Bank), Wellesley - safety pruning of mature Oak and Pine in high traffic garden areas.  Contact James Hearsum.

Register your site to receive volunteer assistance!

If you are a non-profit or other community organization that could benefit from some tree care services, please tell us about your needs.  We will do our best to match volunteer arborists with your site. 


SCENES FROM ARBOR DAY OF SERVICE 2023 - at beautiful Bird Park in Walpole

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