Massachusetts arborists Association

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MAA April 2023 Dinner Meeting & VISTA Presentation

  • Tuesday, April 25, 2023
  • 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • The German Club, Route 109, Walpole MA
  • 1


  • If you are registering your coworkers who are members, add the registrations individually beginning with the person's email address. For each registration, click INVOICE ME on the checkout page. You will be able to pay for the group in one payment.
  • If you are registering your coworkers who are members, add the registrations individually beginning with the person's email address. For each registration, click INVOICE ME on the checkout page. You will be able to pay for the group in one payment.
  • Available to non-MAA members
  • Sponsors are allotted 2 complimentary tickets to the event and are provided with a 6' table for displaying items. Distributing literature, "swag", raffling an item or providing a complimentary drink ticket is permitted. MAA will be in touch about your plans for the evening.

    Sponsorship is non-exclusive.

We're looking forward to a great night with the VISTA award presentation, final preparation for Arbor Day of Service, and an educational presentation.  Thanks, Harrell's LLC for sponsoring this event!

2023 VISTA AWARD RECIPIENT:  Trumbull Barrett, MCA

Drought and Urban Trees

Urban trees are critically important to public health, habitability of urban areas, and mitigation of global warming. The water stress associated with recent record drought events has significantly reduced urban tree growth and their capacity to provide shading, cooling, and other benefits in metropolitan areas. Join us as we discuss short and long term drought affects on urban tree health. Learn the factors that affect water availability in urban trees, how these effects can be quantified, and how to use this knowledge to improve tree health care.


Dr. Susanna Keriö 
, D.Sc.
Forest Pathologist and Forest Ecologist
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

Dr. Susanna Keriö is an Assistant Scientist at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES). Susanna has her background in forest pathology and forest ecology, with expertise in genetics and genomics of tree resistance to fungal pathogens through her Ph.D. work at the University of Helsinki and her postdoctoral research at Oregon State University. At CAES, Susanna studies how physiological, chemical, and molecular tree stress signatures can be applied in tree health management. Current and upcoming research in the Keriö lab includes abiotic stress detection in urban maples, impacts of mycorrhizal inoculation on transplant shock in newly planted trees, and resistance of chestnuts to chestnut blight. Susanna is the Secretary of the Connecticut Urban Forest Council, and the Ex Officio Forester and Secretary on the Connecticut Tree Protection Examining Board.


Thanks to our event sponsor!

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